Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Writer's block.

I've had it.

A few things that have been on my mind though...

One: I'm not excited by the death of Osama bin Laden at all. The whole thing has me a bit wary. Watching the interwebs abuzz with people celebrating his violent death creeps me out. There's also the uncomfortable fact that it remains to be seen whether his death makes the slightest bit of difference. Other than vengeance, what does it mean that we killed this guy we've been looking for? How crucial was he to the operations of Al Qaeda if he spent the past decade in hiding? I just don't know.

BTW: Margaret posted a link to a great article in the New York Times.

Two: On Friday evening I will fly to Seoul to spend the weekend touring around. Maren will be there with Rollie, and I intend to meet up and go exploring the eighth largest city in the world together.

Three: Korea celebrates Children's Day every May 5th. It's exactly what it sounds like. I specifically remember whining to my mom as a kid "There's a Mother's Day, and a Father's Day. Why don't kids get a day?" To which she scoffed and replied "You do. It's called Christmas." She was so right. I shut my mouth, knowing I had just been pwned.

Korea doesn't see things this way though, so they've created a holiday that celebrates every child's amazing achievement: mere existence. If this affected me in any way other than being off work tomorrow, I'd say it was bullshit. But luckily it doesn't, so bring on the celebratin'. I think I'll do so by  calling it Cinco de Mayo and drinking tequilla. This one's for you, kids! Olé!


  1. faubleeee.
    every day i come to work
    and check the following bookmarks in this order:
    a. nyt*
    b. huff.
    c. fauble.
    d. d*s
    e. designloveFEST.

    (the only reason the news tops you is because i work at a newspaper and it's embarrassing when i don't know what's going on in the world. )

    this is to say that even when you're having writer's block, for the sake of us little people bored in an office you should update your blog. living vicariously through friends is all we've got some days. you've got a responsibility that i'm not sure you're fully grasping here. sigh.

    and this is really to say that i miss you, and think of you throughout my day, and hope you're having a lovely time in korea.

  2. 1. Amen.
    2. Did you have fun meeting up with Maren?
    3. Ew.

  3. Awesome!! I'm going to read all night to catch up :)
