Friday, February 11, 2011

This weekend will be brought to me by the letters C and A

I'm currently sitting at Gate 92, regretting my Starbucks breakfast choice, and waiting for my flight to Sacramento. I thought this would be a good opportunity to write the first of many emails to my friends and family updating everyone on the Korean adventure I'm about to embark on. The past couple weeks feel like they flew by in a matter of hours. It didn't take long to figure out the looming To Do list I had written for myself was overly ambitious, and I had to cut it down to the bare essentials. (Sorry, dentist, I guess I won't be visiting you after all. Same goes with you, optometrist!) Instead of stressing about these little things, I'm focusing that energy into accepting that I can't tie up every loose end before I leave, and I have to be ok with that.

In order to keep you in the loop, I've just started a blog where, in addition to these emails, you can track the more innocuous details of my day-to-day adventures abroad.

That's all I've got for now. My plane is about to board, so I've got to wrap this up. I will miss you all so much, and am very much looking forward to the refreshing pick-me-up that is the friendly, spontaneous e-mail.

1 comment:

  1. I'm currently reading this at my desk, drinking coffee like it's going out of style, and feeling so happy that I have something from you to read already.

    Have fun in Sacramento, and I have to say, thumbs up for being able to pare down your To Do list and not go crazy.

    I'm curious as to what one would pack for a year in Korea. Maybe you could do a post about that when you have time?


